The Benefits of an Early Childhood Education


The benefits of an early childhood education translate far beyond the academic abilities that schooling from ages 0-4 instils. Indeed, while academic performance tends to be ahead of the curve at the commencement of primary school, educators generally cannot tell who has had a preschool education by year two. However, there is a large volume of research that indicates the benefits of an early childhood education extend far later in life. These benefits include a reduced rate of participation in crime and contact with law enforcement, an increased rate of high school and college graduation and a decreased rate of substance abuse.

Better education, emotional, economic and social outcomes for children are produced by enrolling them early into an education program. Brain development, social and emotional skills, basic literacy and numeracy are all taught in an early learning environment. Children build confidence during their preschool years which is important as they start school and are placed in proximity to older age groups.

Social skills in particular are very important later in life. By socialising your child during their preschool years you give them opportunities to connect with their peers and learn appropriate responses to social cues. Children tend to grow bored and restless when they spend too much time at home with their parents. By forcing kids to converse, share and play with other students, parents ensure they are actively improving their interpersonal skills and are developing confidence within the learning environment.

At WillowBee, we facilitate peer to peer interaction as part of our specialised curriculum. We ensure kids are playing nicely and sharing toys and equipment as they play and learn. Our educators are all certified and are passionate about teaching children the skills they will need to thrive during their formal education.

The benefits of early childhood education are not just limited to students, either. Some of the happiest people in the world are women that work 1-3 days per week. An early childhood education centre facilitates a better state of mind for mothers by allowing them to get back to part time work relatively quickly after their child has been born. A lot of mothers do not want to work full time after they have given birth. An early childhood education allows them to ease back into things during the first years of their child’s life.

As well as the social and familial benefits of an early childhood education, the process of learning and playing during such formative years might help children who have a cognitive gap in language, social or emotional skills. Without adjustment, these deficits can lead to health, academic and socioeconomic problems later in life. An early childhood education helps kids to adapt to their circumstances and surpass some of the gaps they have picked up before they start preschool.

If you’re looking to enrol your child in an early learning centre that facilitates academic, social and emotional development, then WillowBee is the centre for you. Contact us today by calling (02) 9417 5701 to ask any questions about enrolment or to schedule a visit to the centre. Our friendly staff are ready to help you in any way they can, so don’t delay, call us at WillowBee Early Learning centre today. We’re open for business from 7:30am to 6:30pm Monday to Friday and eagerly await your call.